Friday, December 19, 2008

September-November Giving Report

Here is the financial rundown for September, October, and November!

September: I received $2040 more than my budget

October: I received $715 more than my budget

November: I received $1120 more than my budget.

I am overwhelmed by the generosity of God's people. We truly cannot outgive him and I pray that he continues to bless you as you sacrificially give to advance His kingdom.

I am so thankful to report that I have made my budget for the year and in 2009 I will be starting on my "B" budget. (In 2008, I operated on my "C" budget)

This will be an act of faith for me as the total I will need to receive in 2009 will be 6000 more than what I received in all of 2008. In January I will post a much more detailed list of what 2008 held financially!

I hope you all have a fantastic Christmas and if you wish to make an end of the year gift you can do that by visiting clicking on the side bar of my ministry blog at

You know with all your heart and soul that not one of all the good promises the LORD your God gave you has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled; not one has failed.
Joshua 23:14